Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Some thougths after our first year

Here some problems/considerations we found after our first year of CAS. Hope will be useful to improve!After our first year

Friday, 26 August 2016

ISB CAS projects archive

After our first year of CAS we are trying to create a database with the CAS project completed. Maybe you can have a look to have some ideas...ISB CAS project archive

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Brief introduction to CAS (advisors)

Dear advisors, here CAS in a few words...Brief introduction to CAS

Posible advisors profiles

Here you can find the profile of some teachers that would be glad to be your advisor. Please read those profiles and fix an appointment with the theacher you think can be the appropiate for you.

(What does "appropiate" mean to you?: Does this teacher has some skills that can be useful? Is she/he nice? Do I have a good relationship with this person to work with him/her for 18 months? Can I learn interesting things for me?...)CAS advisors

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Welcome back!

This is an "official" welcome from your CAS coordinator. I hope all of you had a great summer. Now we have to start from the beginning working hard. It is the time to start thinking in your CAS experiences and to have some ideas you could:

- GET INFORMED  (radio, tv, newspapers...). If you want to help better to know who needs you...

- VISIT some local NGOs; you don't know that you are interested about something until you know that this thing exists...

- Go to the TOURIST office in Bologna. If you want to help in your local area better to know your local area...

- Visit the SALABORSA, in this place you will  learn/understand a lot about the fauna and flora of this amazing city...

- GO FOR A WALK arond the city. It is good for your mind and your sould.

- JOIN some local clubs (sports, games, reading club...) How are you going to learn anything about this city locked in your room?

- START using Managebac. Don't tell in december that you don't knew how to use it, It is an old excuse...

- START doing/writing something (your profile for example). To start your experience the best thing you can do it is to stop wondering and to start acting (yes, june is closer than you think...fortunately...)