Thursday, 15 February 2018

CAS Project Form

Here there is a Form that I would like you use for your projects.

CAS project form

Monday, 12 February 2018

CAS idea: Creative calendar

Have you ever created a calendar?

It can be interesting to create a calendar for our school to remind the important dates for us and for the international days!

It could be part of your Creativity but also, if you show through pictures topics you want to make advocacy about, as part of your Service!!

Samples of calendars

Online tool

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Course of: Natural make up, natural cooking and recognition of wild herbs

Click the links for more info.

Sorry it is in Italian. If you need help with this please ask.

Course 1

Course 2

Something is being born?

Hello hello! Good news today:

With grade 11 we are thinking to create a movie club that will take place one Wednesday a month after school. The idea is that grade 11 students will propose a movie that they consider it can be important to reflect about and they will introduce it the first 15-20 minutes of the meeting, after watching the movie together, we will have time for debate.

So exiting!!

We have the first ideas:

Never let me go (Isabella and Matilde)

The help

Mean girls (Ethan)

We would like to invite also Grade 10 and 12!

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Tuesday, 6 February 2018


Today I was shocked about this info:

A  girl (11 years old) Spanish residence had a baby from his 14 years old brother in a sexual consensual relation. That is the beginning of the article that explain that in Spain, in 2016 there were:

111 mothers: age less than 15
343 mothers: age 15
818 mothers: age 16

underage mothers

This is also related in the article with the difficult situation in Mexico where teenager pregnancy is the highest in any country within in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

I would like also to raise awareness about the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation


Some ideas for your CAS project

Here an idea for a CAS project. This student has combined his passion with one of the strads, creativity. This idea can be also developed by creating a blog or making an exposition for example!
And it can be used for other purpose like advocacy for a cause for instance! Think about international world days, could you create something like that?

Behind this work there is research, commitment and it is related with other areas of knowledge as History, Maths, TOK...

Train project

Monday, 5 February 2018

Form for CAS experience/project during school time

This form can be used in an exceptional situation and, before deciding, it is necessary to talk with the CAS CoordinatorCAS Form